Leslie R. Chin                    
Singer, Guitarist, Songwriter and Liturgical Musician                                              LeslieChin.Com

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Bereavement Ministry  

I began my music ministry over 30 years ago when I joined a music group at Sts Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Kingston, Jamaica.  I continued my involvement in church liturgy when I came to Toronto in 1976 and joined the parish choir.  Later, I joined a group of guitarists to play and sing at the folk mass.  Occasionally, I was asked to sing and play at weddings and funerals.  Over the past fifteen years I have had increasing requests to sing and play at funerals.   As I became more involved in this special type of liturgy, I became aware of the tremendous burden and stress families experience during the initial stages of planning funeral arrangements for a family member who has died.  I saw their confusion, frustration, despair, helplessness, worry all mixed with feelings of grief and sadness.  When I first witnessed this struggle that grieving families experienced, I was filled with compassion for them and decided to do something to help families in similar circumstances in future.  I believe my decision was inspired by the Holy Spirit.

In preparing for undertaking this ministry to the bereaved, I put together a collection of resource materials consisting of the following:

-  Scripture readings, prayers and songs

    appropriate for funeral liturgies.      

-  Outline of the mass or service.

-  Format for printed programs.

-  Funeral planning guide.

-  List of churches, funeral homes and cemeteries.

   with addresses, contact names and phone numbers.

In addition, I arranged contacts with people with expertise in computer graphics to finalize and print the programs.  I also acquired my own complete portable sound system that I take with me to churches and funeral homes. 

The process of ministering to the bereaved family usually begins when I get a call from a family member.  My first response is to express my condolences and after determining the nature of assistance required, I arrange to meet with the family at their home to discuss the funeral plans in detail.  I help them to select the readings, songs and prayers and advise them on the proper procedures to follow during the liturgy.  Throughout the discussions, I try to maintain a keen sensitivity of their grief and demonstrate empathy and understanding regarding their loss of a family member.  Occasionally, I will accompany them to meet with the church pastor and funeral director.

If required, I will coordinate a wake service at the funeral home during the visitation period on the evening before the funeral mass and also lead the singing at the burial service at the cemetery.

The support I give to the community through my bereavement ministry is my response to a great need at a very emotional time for families who find it very difficult to deal with funeral arrangements while trying to cope with their grief. 

I truly believe God has led me to this ministry and I thank Him for the gift of music that helps to bring some comfort and consolation to those who mourn. 


"Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be        comforted." - Matthew 5: 4 

"Make me a channel of your peace, where there’s despair in life, let me bring hope, Where there is darkness, only light, and where there’s sadness, ever  joy." - Prayer of St. Francis








"May you be blessed with the presence of the Holy Spirit to guide and inspire you as faithful followers of our Lord, Jesus Christ".



My recorded media to date with background information.

Please email me to get more information about ordering.


List of original songs I've written with the lyrics and message behind each song. Here you can click to listen to short sample clips.


Information on my bereavement and liturgical music ministries including how they evolved to this point in my life's journey. 


General comments and thoughts on my music and the world today.

Feel free to email me your own thoughts or make a comment.


Web sites I have been associated with or visited in the past.         I hope you find them interesting and useful.

Contact:       Leslie R. Chin

email:           lrchin@sympatico.ca

Phone:         (416) 292-5901




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Website Created by Vic Lyn - AVL Consulting - March 2008       Contact: info@avlcan.com. (416) 230-4511 


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